Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Changes for Next Year

This afternoon we’ll be sending out a survey to competitors from this year’s contest, something we do every year.
At the contest this year, I heard lots of positive comments and not very many complaints.
But the survey gives competitors a chance to say what they thought and have it be anonymous, so this will be when we hear the most negatives.
Which is fine.
I look forward to getting the feedback while dreading it at the same time.  I will be disappointed to find out if we messed anything up and maybe a little bit hurt by some of the comments.  But I want to know if there were mistakes made so that I can figure out how to prevent similar mistakes next time.  I want to hear what people didn’t like so that we can plan for what needs to change.   I think the contest gets better every year, but it can always be even better.
I started my “List of Things to Do Differently Next Year” while I was still at the contest, sitting at the ticket table.
Just for the record, these things are just my opinion.  I will change the things I have control over, but things about scheduling, judging, etc., aren’t up to me.
Here’s a few of my ideas:
·         Bikini Check-In should be changed to 9:30 or 10am.  There’s no reason for those girls to be there at 7am on Saturday and then have to sit around for 5 hours before they get on stage.
·         There needs to be a way to measure the height of Figure and Bikini competitors prior to the day of the show.  We had several move from one height class to another after being measured at registration, which just complicates the line-up and judging and everything.  I understand that weight fluctuates, but height?  We need an accurate height for each girl earlier in the registration process.
·         We need to start on time.  Enough said.
·         There should be a time limit for how long a group of competitors stand on stage.  Maybe 30 or 40 minutes?  I don’t know of any reason why the judges couldn’t make their decisions within that amount of time.  Of course, I’ve never been a judge, so maybe I’m missing something.  Actually, I think that the entire system of judging needs to change.  More on that later.
·         I need to make signs to let people know about ticket prices and that we can’t take credit cards before they wait in line and then find out they have to go use the ATM across the street.
Oh, and could somebody please help me remember to buy a hand stamp?  Because this was the third year that I forgot, and I’m done writing on people with a Sharpie.
So, what would you change about the contest if you could?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Well, That was Fun!

From my perspective, Bodybuilder Hubby’s contest this weekend was a huge success.
The competitors looked amazing. I didn’t get to see very many of the classes or routines, since my primary job during the contest is to sell tickets, but the ones I saw impressed me.
In particular there was a 15-year-old bodybuilder whose routine got a standing ovation – he was doing back flips and all sorts of things, and had done a fantastic job of choreographing to fit his music.  It was so much fun to watch.  (Though his dad told me later that the competitor had “thrown together” the routine in the days prior to the contest.)  I was so impressed.  I’ll be posting video on the contest website as soon as I get it.
The audience was a lot bigger than I expected.  I thought that having a two-day event would mean fewer people each night, but that wasn’t the case.  Friday night we sold about 2/3 of the seats.  Saturday we came close to selling out, with the closest seats left over being in row X.  It was amazing.  Having a big crowd is important because the audience provides energy and excitement, which makes a huge difference for those onstage and makes for a better show overall.
There was a lot of overlap – people there both days – so it’s hard to know for sure, but I’d guess that we had somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 people there this weekend.
Generally, people seemed nicer this year, too.  There was a lot less complaining about ticket prices than I’ve heard in years past.  There were fewer rude people.  People were generally happy and smiling, even though for some of them it was a REALLY long day.  For most of us involved it was a really long day.
Bodybuilder Hubby is still asleep.  He got home some time after 2am.  One of the many things he’s responsible for is making sure the facilities are cleaned before he can leave, which includes making sure there are no stains or marks left anywhere from that tanning stuff.  And those of you who compete know how hard it is to clean up that tanning stuff!  I’m sure that most of you are waking up this morning with your skin some mottled shade of orange.
There are definitely things about the contest that I would change or do differently for next year, but for the most part, I’m really happy with how things went.
Congratulations, competitors!  I should have the rankings posted on the contest website later today and the judges score sheets posted by tomorrow.