Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Websites and Memory Lane

For most of the competitors from last weekend’s show, the work they put into the show was over sometime Saturday evening.
For me, the work ended about ten minutes ago.
I took over the contest website almost a year ago. Initially I changed and updated only the pages related to the upcoming contest and left the rest alone. My plan was that someday, when I had time, I’d get the older pages updated too.
But, as those of you with jobs and kids know, there is no time. So when I went to add the scoresheets for the Fall Show (currently posted on I decided I might as well take the time to update the older scoresheet pages as well, so that the pages would be more alike and easier to update in the future.
I took a lot longer than I expected, as most projects do, but looking back at (and in some cases typing) the names of the former competitors brought back a lot of memories of those shows.
It’s interesting to see how many people compete almost every year.  And it’s interesting to see how competitors’ placings change from year to year. Like the figure competitor who had 5th place one year, 1st the next, and competed as a Pro the year after that.  There’s a story there.
There are competitors who were last one year and first the next, and vice versa. One of the things I like about these contests is that, while there are winners who have a streak of several years of 1st places, no one wins every time. The rankings change, sometimes quite significantly from year to year.  There are stories there too.
I remembered the year that Bodybuilder Hubby won his Pro card, read back over the names of the others who competed that day.  That was an amazing night. He won his weight class and then was back on stage for the Overall at the end of the show – 17 minutes on stage, guys dripping sweat under those spotlights, showing off for the judges.  In the video that I took of that time, you can hear me occasionally yelling encouragement and a good friend of mine – who was watching a bodybuilding contest for the first time – yelling too.  Then they announced his name, and all you can hear is us screaming like crazy people, and you can’t see anything because I was waving the camera around, also like a crazy person. Even now when I watch it I get a little choked up and feel so much pride in what Bodybuilder Hubby accomplished.
I was also reminded of the show two years later – Bodybuilder Hubby’s first as a Pro.  We had a baby girl, just six months old, our first.  That spring I was back at work full-time (which was really hard for me – I hated being away from her during the day), and she was going through this spurt when she never slept for more than 3 hours at a time.  I was so exhausted that at one point I dozed off standing in front of a soda machine trying to decide which can of caffeine to buy. I wanted very much to be at the show to support Bodybuilder Hubby, but the Pros went on last. It was such an incredibly long day. Hours of pacing the hallway with the baby, trying to find quiet places where she could nap.  Eventually I ended up sitting in the very back of the auditorium, holding a sleeping baby with her ears covered so the audience screaming wouldn’t wake her up. I even dozed off for a bit myself sitting back there.  Fortunately, I woke up in time to see Bodybuilder Hubby win 3rd place. Not bad at all for his first Pro show!
There will be new names added next spring, new memories made. The spring competition is tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2012, which – according to the newly updated website countdown – is only 184 days away!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Contest Day! Wives Unite!

The morning judging portion of the contest is already complete.  The judges - at this very moment - are deliberating and calculating scores.  Winners will be announced tonight at the evening show, which starts at 5pm.  (FYI: Tickets are still available and will be sold at the door.)

It was a good contest this morning.  The classes were just the right size, I thought, for the competitors to be able to show themselves off and for the judges to make their choices.  The Men’s Masters class took the longest - six guys, and they all looked great according to me.

My favorite part of the contest is the social aspect. I got to see and chat with one old friend and former coworker who was there supporting a first-time competitor.  It’s always such a nice surprise and lots of fun for me when people I know from outside the bodybuilding world come see what's happening here. I know a few things about the contest; let me tell you all about it! :)

I also got to meet the wife of one of the other pro bodybuilders. The pros didn't compete today, but her husband was one of the judges. At the ticket table with me was the wife of another former competitor. 

So together we decided: there needs to be a club for bodybuilder wives.  We could share stories, commiserate as needed, show off adorable pictures of our young kids practicing their bodybuilding poses like Daddy, and just generally make the contests and even bigger social event.

Also, we think that like NFL or NBA wives, Bodybuilder Wives should have special reserve setting, possibly with free drinks, and with massages and other perks thrown in for good measure.

And hot fudge sundaes. Because one of my favorite bodybuilding contest traditions – after watching dozens of incredibly fit, well-dieted people walk across that stage – is to get a hot fudge sundae to eat in the car on the way home.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Days!!!

Our "Fall Show" bodybuilding competition is in two days!  Two days!!!

As I'm typing this, our living room looks like a bodybuilding contest exploded all over it.  Bodybuilder Hubby has been home all day organizing the contest t-shirts (which turned out half-way decent, if I do say so myself), filling competitor goodie bags and fielding phone call after phone call about the show.

In our garage are eleven boxes of trophies, which were, of course, dropped off on our driveway by a not-very-helpful FedEx lady on a weekend when Bodybuilder Hubby was out of town.  I got my workout for that day by lifting and carrying those boxes into the safety of our garage. Because you never know when someone might come by and want to steal a box full of bodybuilding trophies.

We have about 45 people competiting, which I think is great.  More than I expected.  And we've had two people call this week asking to be added to the list.  This is good because we want more people to be involved, but it's mildly annoying because we've already sent the programs to be printed so they won't be in there, and we'll have to add their names to the lists and judges' score sheets that we prepared. Oh, well. The more the merrier, right?

Must be something about spending so much time doing work for a contest that features people who have been dieting for months. I am totally craving a cinnamon roll right now. And I don't even normally like cinnamon rolls.

We'll be ready for Saturday morning when the competitors show up.  I hope that we have a good crowd. The show is so much more fun when there's a lot of people and energy in the room.

If you're not competiting this weekend and you haven't bought your tickets yet, why not?  It's cheaper if you buy them ahead and you'll have more open seats to choose from.  Tickets are on sale now at  You can also buy the tickets at the door on Saturday from yours truly, but you'll save me a bit of work if you get them ahead of time.  :)

Oh, and somebody please remind me to get a hand stamp!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top Ten Reasons to Get Tickets to the NW Natural Fall Show on October 15

1. Tickets are on sale now at!
2. Reserved seating – the sooner you buy your tickets the better your seats will be
3. Fewer competitors = more freebies for me – oops, I mean you!
4. A stageful of tight glutes…
5. Considering competing in the spring? Come see what to expect!
6. Tickets are on sale now at Select-a-Seat outlets!
7. Smaller show = shorter. Never seen a show? Come get a taste of what it’s all about!
8. Where else is it completely appropriate to compare one person’s butt to another’s?
9. A stageful of six-pack abs…
10. BSU’s game is away that weekend.